Skin Diva Labs
Our Story
After mastering the art of product development and marketing for a big-league consumer goods company and spending over three decades as a hands-on ageless skin coach tackling skin problems, Nancy Reagan knows the ins and outs of creating skin care that just focuses on marketing and not results.
But for many of her clients, the products they were buying were more foe than friend. They aggravated common skin woes like rosacea, sensitivity, pigmentation, and even made wrinkles crinkle more deeply!
Some threw in the towel, while others turned to pharmaceutical creams that were about as helpful as exfoliating everyday. What was sorely absent?
A lineup that didn't just slap a Band-Aid on the issue but actually revived the skin's mojo—a skincare solution that nurtured deeply from within, restoring and repairing like a skin diva superhero.
Picture this: the mirror moment when you glance and exclaim, "Dang, I look good!"
Empower Your Glow
Our Motto
So, the quest began to find a new skincare line at the spa, culminating in the birth of Skin Diva Labs by Bella Reina. The wishlist for this miracle lineup was nothing short of long and epic: vegan, plant-powered, top-tier anti-aging concoctions that were not just cutting-edge but bio-hacked (yes, that's a thing) and packed a serious punch for the skin. And let's not forget—oncology safe, pregnancy safe, and fragrance-free were must-haves too.
Lo and behold, after years of scouring the beauty realm, an industry guru connected Nancy with a genius biochemist cooking up the next skincare revolution. Their philosophies aligned, sparks flew, and Skin Diva Labs was born.

Our motto?
Translation: Our products don't just sit on your skin, they penetrate into the skin to work their magic, rejuvenating those youth-chasing cells and leaving you looking like a million bucks. Don't believe it? Take our 14-day challenge and watch your skin do a happy dance that'll last a lifetime.